
Simple Tips to Fill Your Social Media Content Calendar

Social media is the best way to promote a brand, product, or service. But to do so, a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong suggests consistent posting on social media pages. It makes the business visible to people and influences their buying behaviors.

According to a social media agency Hong Kong, the best way to plan a content strategy is to use a social media content calendar. Even a video marketing agency Hong Kong highlights that the calendar can help brands and businesses vary their content formats to avoid boredom among followers.

Below, let us explore some simple tips to fill your social media content calendar.

What Is Social Media Content?

Social media content is anything posted or shared on a social media account or page. The top social media platforms in the world today are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. While the most used types of social media content are:

  • Ads
  • Announcements
  • Articles, blogs, or written posts
  • Case Studies
  • Challenges
  • Contests
  • eBooks
  • eCourses
  • Epic or evergreen content
  • FAQs
  • Favorite Hacks
  • Freebies
  • Guides
  • Hacks
  • Holiday greetings and specials
  • Images
  • Infographics
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Memes
  • Links to external content
  • Live broadcasts or videos
  • Polls or surveys
  • Quick Tips
  • Ratings and Reviews
  • Story videos
  • Testimonials
  • Tutorials
  • Videos
  • Webinars
  • Weekly Roundups

Weaving these different types of content together can indeed boost social media presence among brands and businesses.

Simple Tips to Fill Your Social Media Content Calendar

Brands and businesses should give themselves a name on social media. This is called social media branding, where marketers follow a certain theme when posting content on social media platforms. Every week, fill in social media pages with announcements, quotes, or roundups to connect with the target audiences. These short types of content give marketers some room to breathe and share more original stuff.

Build and maintain a strong following by constantly engaging in social media. A “thank you” message can be great for those who like and share a brand’s social media content. Reply to comments or messages quickly. Encourage signups for every connection opportunity. Freebies can build huge traffic if you want to upgrade your email list.

Create appealing graphics and title images on your social media content. Canva is a good tool to edit and play with creative images and texts. Remember visual content gets shared 40 times more than social media posts without visuals. A brand logo for each image or photo can boost brand awareness.

Pre-schedule social media content through automation tools. Some of the best social media management tools are Buffer, HootSuite, and Tailwind. It can help marketers post content at the right time in every world zone. It can also save marketers tons of time.

Sharing other people’s content on social media accounts and pages can boost the reach of brands and businesses. Planning and writing them on a social media calendar allow marketers to collaborate with the author of the post further. It may be the reason why influencer marketing is a big thing in social media. Collaborating with authoritative and popular social media brands and personalities allows marketers to reach a huge number of followers.

Social listening means knowing what your competitors are up to and what is trending among your target audiences. It pays to study things that other brands are doing both successfully and failingly. By monitoring these things, they can serve as guides among marketers on their future strategies.
