
Top Ways to Use Social Proof on eCommerce Websites

One best practice to optimize conversion rate is using social proofs. Social proof means using third-party testimonials to sway potential customers in buying products and services. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong laid down some concrete examples of social proof.

  • When an online searcher browses a landing page and sees an industry expert’s testimonial, that is social proof.
  • When a potential client signs up for a demo because the tools solve a problem similar to what they have, that is social proof.
  • When a customer sees an industry giant already using the tool while cruising the price page, that is social proof.

There are a lot more examples of social proof. Among the most popular types are:

  • Case studies
  • Celebrity endorsement
  • Certifications and awards
  • Customer reviews and testimonials
  • Expert recommendation
  • Influencer marketing
  • Media mentions
  • Platform Integrations
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Trust symbols

social media agency Hong Kong notes that social proofs are the first things that a potential buyer considers before they decide whether to proceed with the purchase or not. People don’t want to be different when it comes to social situations. They assumed that industry experts and influencers are well-informed. As such, it makes them follow their buying decision about a brand. Since they have the power to influence buying decisions, businesses should learn the top ways to use social proof on eCommerce websites.

  • Adding trust seals on check-out pages can boost conversion on eCommerce websites by 42%. They let your visitors know that you are a legitimate brand. They also know that all transactions are taking place with safety and security.
  • Authenticity is one key factor to use social proof on an eCommerce website. As social media becomes mainstream, sharing what customers are saying about a brand on social media pages can boost conversion on their online shops. Customers trust word of mouth, especially when they come from users who have already bought a product or service.
  • Case studies are a higher form of social proof. These are in-depth reviews of products and services. Since they are well-researched, they are more reputable among online searchers. Publishing them on your social media pages and websites can boost conversion among detail-oriented customers.
  • Celebrities, industry experts, and influencers can be great brand ambassadors. Partnering with them can establish authority and extra value to a brand. Partnerships may come under natural and paid endorsements. 
  • Client logos are effective and pervasive social proofs. Showing your existing customer base through their logos can prove positive adoption. Potential customers will think that if your product or service is good enough for your existing customers, it can also be good enough for them.
  • Customer recommendations are powerful social proofs when you display them on eCommerce websites. Especially when the happy customer is a popular personality, people will more likely follow suit in purchasing the brand’s product and services. A positive customer experience recommends a brand to families and friends by 77%.
  • Depending on your industry or niche, accreditations, badges, and certifications should be proudly displayed on eCommerce websites. They can increase conversion rates by as much as 30%.
  • Display real-time statistics on your social media pages and websites. Show how many people are currently making a purchase and viewing a product or service. Such real-time statistics add urgency to your content mix among potential clients.
  • Highlight how a brand, product, or service solves the pain points of their customers through testimonials. Around 95% of people trust peer recommendation, while 70% trust recommendation from someone they don’t know.
  • If you are linking your eCommerce website to your blog posts, it will be a smart idea to show the number of shares together with a share button. Social share counts show your potential customers that a lot of people may have tried your brand. They are also a free form of online marketing using the share button.
  • Platform integration is the best social proof on eCommerce websites. Displaying the logo of your third-party partners can put your brand in line with credible and familiar names.
  • Product ratings and reviews are powerful social proofs that significantly influence the buying decisions of potential customers. A 5-star rating lifts the reputation of an eCommerce store, while reviews on product pages highlight the benefits of products and services.
  • Some prospects are hesitant to push through with purchases for one reason or another. Sometimes, the only social proof that can convince them to cross the fence is showing a product or service as a bestseller. Bestseller tags create an urgency for the prospect to make the purchase right away. It convinces the prospect that the item is useful because a lot of people are buying it.
  • Viral posts about your products and services should be prominently displayed on your eCommerce websites and social media pages. This promotes the fear of missing out (FOMO) among online audiences and can lift conversion among your products and services.



How to Create Successful Marketing Videos

Video marketing is the future of digital marketing. This 2021, the future is here. Around 54% of modern consumers want to see more video content from brands and businesses. That is why 87% of marketers tap into the power of videos as a marketing tool. They are the favorite type of posts among social media users. They even influence 73% of audiences in their buying decisions. Among social media channels, a social media agency Hong Kong commonly posts their video content on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. To top the success statistics of video marketing, social media users spend an average of 6 hours and 48 minutes watching videos every week. 

If you want to be a video marketing master, here’s how to create successful marketing videos. A video marketing agency Hong Kong applies three steps to structure a successful marketing video. These are:

  • Outline the video script using the seed and lead method.
  • Record the video using the smile and hold method.
  • Publish the video using the say-show-spell method.

Outline the Video Script Using the Seed and Lead Method

Outlining a video script using the seed and lead method means seeding the things that a brand offered at the start of the video. As the scene progresses, lead the viewer to the solution to their pain points being your products and services. An effective video starts with a seed and lead script. During the video introduction, let the people know that they are in the right spot. Show them that you are willing to help. One pro-tip is to use the viewer’s keywords to highlight their pain points and offer a solution. Here are some ways to use the seed and lead method in video marketing:

  • If a brand is selling a product or service, a tutorial video on how to use the product or take advantage of the service is a good seed and lead script. Before the video ends, offer the viewers something more. It may be a full quick start guide or another way on how to use the product or take advantage of the service. Telling viewers that you can offer more beyond the video is an effective way to acquire customers and leads. 
  • Putting a call to action (CTA) at the end of your video is also a good seed and lead script. The CTA may be an invitation to subscribe, more playlists, website visits, or simply a like and share reaction. These CTAs can definitely boost reach and, most likely, sales. 

Record the Video Using the Smile and Hold Method

During the production phase of a marketing video, ensure that the video will flow evenly. This is by using the smile and hold method. The power of a smile in video marketing should never be underestimated. It is the key to spreading a positive message within the video recording. How can you make your viewers smile? It’s simple. While speaking, smile and hold that smile to show positivity among your audience. When you’re done speaking, smile and hold the smile for 2 to 3 seconds. It probably feels weird, but this can make the video editing flow smoothly. One pro-tip to practice smiling is to stick a pencil in your mouth. It shapes your lips into a smile. It makes you frown your teeth which resembles a smile. 

Publish the Video Using the Say-Show-Spell Method

The say-show-spell method is originally a teaching technique. This means exaggerating the pronunciation of the word by showing an example to help the listener spell it correctly. In video marketing, it means exaggerating the keyword shown on the video for the viewers to remember them for a long time. After recording a marketing video, there’s a lot more editing to do. With the say-show-spell method, marketers can say something using a message pop-up. Get to the point in offering your products and services as a solution to the customer’s pain point. Remove any scene that is irrelevant to that message. It will only confuse your viewers and drive them away. Also, consider the background music. You can make it loud for every pop-up message to catch the viewer’s attention. Or you can soften them during the part when the host is speaking for the viewers to hear the message clearly. 

The Bottom Line

For a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, creating successful marketing videos means giving a positive vibe to your audiences by offering a solution to their problems. This, you can do, by outlining your video using the seed and lead method. Then, record using the smile and hold technique. This makes the video editing easier to flow. Last, fine-tune your video using the say-show-spell tactic. Cut the fluff and focus more on the value that your brand wants to deliver.



How to Market Digital Shops

The way people shop today has greatly changed. The lockdowns and social distancing implemented in 2020 have boosted the rise of social eCommerce. This year, there are around 2.14 million digital buyers globally. That is why a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong has noted the importance of digital shops. Yet, it is challenging for brands to create digital shops. They need to consider many factors to keep them earning and running. It is also more challenging to market digital shops. So, here’s a guide on how to do it and thrive!

What Are Digital Shops?

Digital Shops are online storefronts that brands set up on an eCommerce site, social media platforms, and their website. They showcase a collection of products and services like a brick-and-mortar store. However, they only exist online and not in a physical location. Digital Shops are the perfect solution to streamline an online shopping experience. By integrating store inventories with direct payments, brands can boost their revenues online. 

There are different technologies that digital shops can use to keep them running online. The most common are AR/VR try-on, interactive fitting rooms, product tags, QR codes, and shopping stickers. There are also several ways to set up digital shops. First, brands can partner with eCommerce websites like Amazon, BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, and Wix eCommerce. Second, a social media agency Hong Kong can set up digital shops on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Pinterest, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. These social media online shops can be created through the business pages of social media accounts. Third, brands can create digital shops on their business websites. This is by enabling a product and services page, integrated with a checkout cart and direct payment system. 

A big step in digital shopping today is the integration of online shops into video ads. A video marketing agency Hong Kong now uses product tags to invite video viewers in buying relevant products and services. Brands can tell a story via short-form video clips and showcase a product with a 360-degree spin. They can also publish product explainer videos to relate their products and services to their customers. 

How to Market Digital Shops

Below are some marketing techniques for brands to drive sales on their digital shops. 

Create Educational Blog Posts

A very effective digital marketing technique today is to educate the customers to influence their buying decisions. Most brands focus on content marketing to give their audiences helpful information about their products and services. Using educational blog posts, brands create a problem that their target audience commonly encounters. Within the article, they will offer the best solution to the reader, which turns out to be the brand’s products and services. Educational blog posts can also optimize the SEO strategy of a brand. These powerful posts can boost SEO ranking by providing accurate and authentic content to answer the searcher’s keyword queries.

Expand Your Email List

There are 4.03 billion people who use email today. So, it is the easiest way to start connecting with people who want to check relevant products and services. Brands can use emails as a cold outreach technique to inform people about a product launch or new service. They can also use email to send reminders about an abandoned online shopping cart or a wish list. The best way to expand an email list using digital shops is to enable CTAs or pop-ups like “Learn More” and “Subscribe Now.” Messenger ads can also capture the contact details of an account user automatically. Brands can also contact page questionnaires when users want to join their social media pages. 

Gather Customer Reviews and Turn Them into User-Generated Content (UGC)

Word of mouth is a powerful marketing strategy. To market digital shops, brands can request customers to review their products and services. They can strategically post these feedbacks, ratings, reviews, and testimonials as UGCs. Like word of mouth, modern consumers prefer these authentic pieces of content and influence them to buy a product or service. Video testimonials of happy customers posted on social media pages even garnered the most numbers of likes, comments, and shares. 

Post a Variety of Creative Content

The best way to market digital shops is to post a variety of creative content on social media platforms. Modern consumers easily get attracted to visual content. Use images and videos to catch their attention toward your digital shops. How-to videos, product explainers, and unboxing videos can educate the customer and relate products and services to their needs and interests. Hosting contests, giveaways, and promotional sales are unique experiences brands can offer to increase awareness and discovery. 

Upsell and Downsell

Brands should market digital shops every time there is an opportunity. This is even if the customer is about to checkout. Do this by posting different items on your digital shops. Group relevant items so that once you have a digital shopper, they can see related products and services that interest them. Brands can offer an upgrade to a regular product offering for more sales. They can even offer a downgraded version of the shoppers’ interest with a simpler item. 

Work with Influencers in Your Niche

Collaborating with bloggers, KOLs, thought leaders, and vloggers is a great way to market your digital shops. Such a strategy aims to gain a large reach among the huge followings of these influencers. Brands can also partner with affiliate programs that promote stores using influencer marketing. Through their online expertise and reputation, their followers are more likely to be influenced by buying products and services they recommend.  



Why Brands Should Make Instagram Reels

The same kinds of campaigns have been saturating social media marketing today. As such, the engagement rate of social media users among brands has significantly declined. Recently, the TikTok app took the world by storm. Through catchy and short-form video content, creators achieved a ridiculous reach within the platform. That is why other social networks tried to mimic the TikTok clips. YouTube created Shorts, and Snapchat designed Spotlight. But according to a social media agency Hong Kong, Instagram’s TikTok clone works the best. For them, Instagram Reels is getting its users back from TikTok into the platform. They are the perfect way to engage with a new kind of audience. They allow creators to collaborate with the community by creating reel-ish content. They are easily digestible and highly entertaining. So, there are a lot of reasons why brands should make Instagram Reels.


Reels are a new way to create and discover short-form videos on Instagram. Like TikTok clips, Reels allow users to record a 30-second multi-clip video using creative tools, effects, and music. A private Instagram profile can share Reels on their feeds. On the other hand, those with a public account can additionally share Reels on Instagram Explore pages. Reels in the Explore page showcase the best culture trends in the world today.

To create a reel, simply tap the camera icon, and select the “Create a Reel” option. A variety of creative tools will then appear on the left side of your Reels camera screen. These include the following:

  • Align to line up objects within your clip frame.
  • AR Effects to add augmented reality to your background and overlays to your clips.
  • Audio to add a pre-recorded from your device or a song from Instagram’s music library. The pre-recorded audio will be attributed to you once you share a reel. If your Instagram profile is set to public, people can use your audio to create another reel.
  • Speed to control the speed of the beat on the part of the video or the whole video. It can help users speed up or slow down the motion of a reel clip.
  • Timer and Countdown to allow users in recording Reels hands-free. 


To Increase Brand Reach

The average reach of an Instagram post is currently less than 2% to 3%. For example, if you have 1,000 followers on your Instagram account, the reach of a normal video post is only limited to the active followers of your Instagram profile. A video marketing agency Hong Kong noted that if a brand posted a reel on IG instead of a normal video, there are 4 ways Instagrammers can discover Reels.

  • Reels can be discovered on a dedicated Reels tab at the home screen navigation.
  • Reels from the brands users follow are visible when scrolling an Instagram home feed.
  • Reels are featured on the Instagram Explore page.
  • Reels are featured on individual Instagram profiles.

The algorithm of Instagram Reels also works in mysterious ways. Among Instagrammers, they are most likely to see Reels from accounts they already followed, the content they interact with, and their location.

To Increase Community Engagement

According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, Reels can increase community engagements among brands. This is because the higher the reach of an Instagram reel is, the more chances it can drive followers to an account. With a huge number of followers, Reels can also increase community engagement. A recent report shows that 75% of Instagram users buy a product or visit a brand website after watching an Instagram Reel. Most IG users are getting bored with images. Reels offer them a new way to genuinely enjoy catchy and funny videos. They are super scrollable, and Instagrammers can easily comment, like, or share a posted reel. Besides, Instagram Reels allow creators to showcase their true personalities in a relaxing way. This makes them more authentic, triggering actions through emotional connections.

To Increase Revenue and Sales

Instagram recently rolled out Shoppable Reels. Using this eCommerce feature, brands and businesses can now tag products when creating Reels. These make the Reels fully shoppable. Whenever a viewer taps on the product tag, the user can directly buy the item without leaving the Instagram app. Shoppable Reels are a game-changer for Instagram ads. Being featured on the Instagram Explore Page makes it easier for a large number of audiences to find a product. Brands can use their resources with Shoppable Reels in the most innovative way. They can add a product link, a CTA like “Shop Now,” a shopping bag icon, etc. Shopping from Creators is another new way to turn Reels into a shoppable post. Creators can now use branded product tags when creating Reels. The tags make it easier for viewers to buy the items featured directly on its checkout feature. This can be the next big step to influencer marketing. At the same time, it is also a way to revolutionize online shopping. 

Launched in 2019, Instagram Reels are now available to over 50 countries. In the past 6 months, such short-form video content has been boosting Instagram engagement and reach to the roof. So, if a brand is not using it today, it’s now time to make Reels!



Short-Form Video Trends Marketers Should Keep Watch in 2021

Let’s face reality! Everybody loves videos. Videos of babies’ firsts, cute cats, singing stars – name it, and people will love it. The fact is, people shared video 2x more than any form of online content online. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, around 84% of consumers buy a product or service after watching a branded video content. Today, with the short attention span of people online, short-form videos are becoming a trend. They are commonly used by a social media agency Hong Kong as marketing strategies on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. Yet, video technologies have significantly evolved – so has marketing. Below are short-form video trends that marketers should keep watch of in 2021.


There is no universal number to gauge how long short-form videos are. Most often, short-form video ads are 5 to 10 seconds long. An Instagram Reel is 30 seconds long, a TikTok clip is 60 seconds long, while short-form videos on Twitter are commonly 2 minutes and 20 seconds long. Still, any video that lasts for 2 minutes and 30 seconds is still short-form video content. A video marketing agency Hong Kong listed the most popular ways to share short-form videos among social media platforms nowadays. These are the following.

Facebook Stories

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, was quoted saying that “Stories is a big part of the future of video sharing.” This is why Stories have been a relevant feature among Facebook’s family of apps. Facebook Stories allows users to share animations, photos, or videos that disappear within 24 hours. Videos on Facebook Stories last for about 20 seconds. Unlike regular Facebook posts, Facebook Stories doesn’t have the like and comment features. Whenever a viewer comments or reacts to Facebook Stories, the message or reaction will directly be sent as a message to the profile’s Messenger app. Facebook Stories can be seen on top of a news feed. These make them prominently discoverable by around half a billion people viewing them every day.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are like Facebook Stories. They are photos or videos that disappear within a 24-hour time frame after being posted. Yet, there are some features Instagrammers can use to enhance Instagram Stories that Facebook Stories doesn’t have. These include branded content links, stickers, hashtags, Live Stories, mentions, and reshares.

Instagram Reels

Reels are Instagram’s TikTok clone. They are music video clips that last up to 30 seconds. Unlike Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels don’t disappear within 24 hours. They stay permanently on an Instagram profile unless deleted by the owner. Instagrammers can record Reels either one at a time, all at once, or through their phone galleries. They can be shared via DMs, Stories, or on the Explore Page of Instagram. Reels shared via Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours unless the owner adds them to an Instagram Reels tab.

TikTok Clips

TikTok Clips are fun and engaging short music clips that last for 60 seconds. Today, there are around 698 million TikTok users globally. People can find videos of almost all interests on TikTok. They can include categories in dancing, DIY, gaming, sports, tricks, tutorial, etc. Users can pick up new skills to connect and share with the TikTok community. TikTok videos are commonly joyful and upbeat. That is why people are really entertained when viewing them.


Short-form videos are engaging and low-commitment ways for brands to connect to their audiences. Through these short clips, people can get a good laugh or learn something new quickly. Yet, short-form videos require more authentic and creative approaches if used in marketing. As such, brands should find out what’s trending and relate it to the brand’s nature of business. Here are some short-form video trends marketers should keep watch in 2021. The best thing is that they don’t require a big budget and a complex production hoopla.

Behind-the-Scene Videos

Consumers today seek out authenticity and transparency among brands. They are very smart to determine whether a video connects to their emotions or is purely for marketing purposes. Behind-the-scene videos are a short-form video trend that captures the emotions of a large part of online viewers today. Brands can feature the team behind their products or connect their CEOs to their target audience. Around 70% of consumers felt more connected to a brand after seeing their CEOS on short-form video content on social media platforms. So, it can pull back the management curtain and engage the viewers on a more personal level.

Educational Content

Think of DIYs, explainer videos, how-tos, and unboxing. These short-form videos can help people learn new things in a matter of seconds or minutes. Studies showed that viewers prefer seeing educational short-form videos from brands. These added-value contents help people in their day-to-day living. Mot short-form videos start with a popular dance or song to grab the viewer’s attention. The content shows a common problem that the viewers might be facing. In the end, a call to action (CTA) rounds up the video to solve the problem. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

While not exactly a trend, FAQs can be great short-form video content. They can be a significant element of the increasing voice search among consumers today. Brands can write a list of FAQs and create a short-form video for each of them. Then, they can upload these short-form videos on a brand’s website, Google My Business page, or YouTube.  

User-Generated Content

UGC short-form videos are created by consumers rather than brands. They are a big trend among brands today because they greatly influence buying decisions. Most people prefer recommendations and referrals from colleagues, family, and friends. Short-form videos of user ratings, reviews, and testimonials are as effective as word-of-mouth advertising. They evoke emotions and promote trust.


Marketers should keep a close watch on short-form video trends. The digital world is changing fast, and the key to marketing success is being up to date.



The Marketing Elements of a Video

Today, video marketing is one of the most powerful strategies to promote a product online. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, companies using video marketing have 44% more traffic than those who don’t use videos. Videos share on social media get 1200% more likes and shares than images and text. Emails with videos received 200% to 300% click-through rates than non-video emails. On the other hand, videos in landing pages boost website conversion rates by 80%. So, if you have not yet embraced video marketing, it is high time to adopt such a strategy to boost awareness and sales. Below are the marketing elements of a video to further guide you.


Every brand needs to catch the audience’s interest in the first 5 seconds of a video ad. That is why brands need to use a hook to boost their interest. A hook is something interesting that plays at the start of a video to draw the viewers’ interest. Yet in reality, there are two ways for brands to use a hook. First, at the start of a video (first 5 seconds). Second, to use a hook throughout a video to remind viewers that there is more to come. Here are some ideas on how you can create a hook:

  • Animation is a fun element and for easier understanding. 
  • Brand messaging in bold graphics.
  • Introducing a problem and promising a solution.
  • Offering a surprise through blurred images, exaggerated statements or upside-down elements, etc.
  • Promising a “once-upon-a-time” story.
  • Telling potential clients about your expertise or what you do.
  • Text memes or quotes to inspire your viewers. 


Another important element of a video is an introduction. The video introduction is a summary of the video content. It should be done in a straightforward tone and as quick as 30 seconds. Typically, brands use the following video introductions:

  • Announcement about the presenter and his or her credentials
  • Brand or company snapshot 
  • Business case description
  • Event preview
  • Project proposal

The video introduction is a brand’s chance to make a good first impression. Today, there are more dynamic ways to liven up a video introduction. These include:

  • A timeless short clip that evokes emotion.
  • Creative AR introduction.
  • Self-introduction of a speaker.
  • Stomp sound effects introducing the video context.
  • Teaser of the outcome in full HD graphics.
  • Text placeholders highlighting a brand message in bold characters.
  • The glitch effect engages viewers out of the gate.

The video introduction should always be translated into text. This is by filling up the meta description of the video during the uploading process.


The content delivery element of a video should be the most creative and informative part. Why? Because it is the section of the video that will make viewers aware of the benefits of a product or the importance of a brand. Every video needs to be planned. Everything planned should complement each section – from the hook, introduction, content, bonus, offer, and CTA. Above all, the content delivery should be a brand’s value, a promised story, or a solution to a problem, 


Bonuses on a video are elements that help viewers go to the next step of their viewing journey. It may either be a BOGO promotion, discounted offer, or trade exchange. The purpose of these bonuses or offers on a video is to encourage viewers to make a purchase. Other ways to add a bonus or offer element in a video are an action plan, added tips, or template. These things give them a wow factor to remember the brand.


A call to action (CTA) is a link to take immediate action or response from the viewers of a video. This video element should be less than 20 seconds. Only one CTA must be added per video to avoid confusion among the viewers and to boost action over the CTA. According to a video marketing agency Hong Kong, the three basic types of CTA are:

  • Small CTAs asking for likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions
  • Bigger CTA asking for email opt-in and lead magnets
  • Huge CTA asking for conversion or sales


If you’re starting to use video as a marketing strategy, keep in mind to grow your audience and followers. This you can do by creating a video with a hook, introduction, content delivery, bonus or offer, and call to action. Once you’ve got 1000 followers or subscribers, you can use small CTAs. If you’ve got around 2000 fans, you can use bigger CTAs. Likewise, a social media agency Hong Kong recommends using huge CTAs if you’ve got a great following on the videos of your social media accounts. Today, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the top social media platforms for video marketing.



The Power of UGC in Video Marketing

Are you a fan of GoPro, the world’s most versatile camera? In November 2015, the company launched the “GoPro of the World Challenge.” Fabio Wibmer, an Australian trail biker, won $1000 on the challenge for capturing the craziest bike ride. Today, Wibmer’s video has 33 million views on YouTube. GoPro continues to solicit user-generated content (UGC) generating 6,000 videos daily. The brand also has a separate webpage that guides users on how to create and upload content to make it on the page of fame. By thinking outside the box and creating a UGC culture, GoPro is a game-changer in video marketing.

What are UGCs?

UGC stands for user-generated content. They are images, posts, reviews, text, or videos created by people, not brands. Typically, these types of content are published on social media platforms. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, UGCs have been the most compelling form of content. They are 3X more authentic than branded content. They are 35% more memorable than other media. They also influenced the buying decision by 79%. UGCs present unprecedented opportunities for brands to market with people. Among the most famous examples of UGCs today are:

  • Blogs on product reviews
  • Case studies or interviews of customers
  • Customer ratings, reviews, and testimonials
  • Recommendation from forums, groups, or tweets
  • Social media images and videos

UGCs are types of video marketing Hong Kong that no longer need costly photoshoots and high-tech cameras. As such, brands can save money, resources, and time to focus on more important priorities.

The Power of UGC on Video Marketing

Below is some powerful user-generated content that a brand can use to achieve a specific video marketing goal.

  • Contests and promotions are a great way to boost brand engagement. Just like GoPro, generating videos from customers daily sparks conversation and reactions. Today, short-form video content is a favorite of the top social media agency Hong Kong. UGCs in short-form video content may be a live stream, product demos, testimonials, or a vlog (video blog). Brands may run a contest of UGC videos garnering the most likes and shares.  They can also offer freebies among customers who share unique video content promoting a brand.

In 2013, Coca-Cola kicked off the “Ahh Effect.” It called for teenage customers to record a 2-minute video showing what does it feel like when you take a sip of Coke. The result of such a UGC video campaign was phenomenal. Around 5 million consumers visited Coca-Cola’s website. Coke has generated 5x more exposure than their traditional ads shown on TV.

  • Reviews and testimonials promote trust and loyalty among brands. Every buyer wants to see social proof about a product or service. Recently Google launched a video and review platform called Shoploop. It features live videos of product demos and reviews from its customer base. 

Closet Works, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of storage solutions in the United States. Its website houses a video library showing an intercut of customer testimonials with their storage solution results. From its humble beginnings in the 1990s, Closet Works, Inc grew to 40 authorized dealers in 13 states.

  • Unboxing videos from customers, especially influencers, can educate customers about a product or service. Nothing is more exciting than opening a special product that has recently been launched in the market. It’s a great video marketing strategy for new gadgets, games, toys, or tech products. These products are not just everyday purchases. They are special because they are either the latest craze or trends. 

In August 2016, Ryan Kaji, the world’s top YouTube earner from 2018 to 2020, published an unboxing video of a Furby Connect toy on his YouTube channel. Since then, this UGC video has earned more than 8.5 million views. Furby Connect, an electronic robot toy, also became Hasbro’s best-selling toy during that year.

Best Practices in Using UGCs to Video Marketing

UGC in video marketing is indeed powerful. It is a form of word-of-mouth advertising. Happy customers are the most budget-friendly and effective way to boost connection and engagement. Yet, there are three best practices that brands should never forget to gain success when using UGC for video marketing.

  • Know where to share. Brands need to carefully identify where to share the perfect UGC video. They should know where the audience is. Even though marketing means reaching out far and wide, there are times when you need to capture the right audience to thrive. Facebook is a perfect platform for sharing videos of customers engaging in a brand. Instagram is a place for high-impact visuals. So, brands must share well-crafted stories. Tweet a dynamic customer quote with the UGC video link to target retweets. Reflect your brand’s value when sharing user testimonials on LinkedIn.
  • Motivate your followers to share. The best way to have a steady flow of UGCs in video marketing is to motivate customers and followers to share. Incentivize people through fun giveaways. Contests and promotions make way for showcasing high-resolution and curated videos. They are perfect marketing tools. Keep a content library of all UGCs, and carefully plan the right time when to share each. Never forget to thank the owners of the video. Treat them well because they are an extension of the brand’s marketing team.
  • Ask the owner’s permission to share their videos and don’t forget to credit them when posting. Social media platforms make it easier for brands to share content. But it will be good if brands practice respect. This can add up to a good reputation. Always ask permission from the owner of the video to share their content. A simple comment on the post or a direct message in their inbox will do. Send a brief and friendly message noting where you plan to share their content. Once the owner grants you permission, compliment and thank them using mentions or tags.
