
Video marketing is the future of digital marketing. This 2021, the future is here. Around 54% of modern consumers want to see more video content from brands and businesses. That is why 87% of marketers tap into the power of videos as a marketing tool. They are the favorite type of posts among social media users. They even influence 73% of audiences in their buying decisions. Among social media channels, a social media agency Hong Kong commonly posts their video content on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. To top the success statistics of video marketing, social media users spend an average of 6 hours and 48 minutes watching videos every week. 

If you want to be a video marketing master, here’s how to create successful marketing videos. A video marketing agency Hong Kong applies three steps to structure a successful marketing video. These are:

  • Outline the video script using the seed and lead method.
  • Record the video using the smile and hold method.
  • Publish the video using the say-show-spell method.

Outline the Video Script Using the Seed and Lead Method

Outlining a video script using the seed and lead method means seeding the things that a brand offered at the start of the video. As the scene progresses, lead the viewer to the solution to their pain points being your products and services. An effective video starts with a seed and lead script. During the video introduction, let the people know that they are in the right spot. Show them that you are willing to help. One pro-tip is to use the viewer’s keywords to highlight their pain points and offer a solution. Here are some ways to use the seed and lead method in video marketing:

  • If a brand is selling a product or service, a tutorial video on how to use the product or take advantage of the service is a good seed and lead script. Before the video ends, offer the viewers something more. It may be a full quick start guide or another way on how to use the product or take advantage of the service. Telling viewers that you can offer more beyond the video is an effective way to acquire customers and leads. 
  • Putting a call to action (CTA) at the end of your video is also a good seed and lead script. The CTA may be an invitation to subscribe, more playlists, website visits, or simply a like and share reaction. These CTAs can definitely boost reach and, most likely, sales. 

Record the Video Using the Smile and Hold Method

During the production phase of a marketing video, ensure that the video will flow evenly. This is by using the smile and hold method. The power of a smile in video marketing should never be underestimated. It is the key to spreading a positive message within the video recording. How can you make your viewers smile? It’s simple. While speaking, smile and hold that smile to show positivity among your audience. When you’re done speaking, smile and hold the smile for 2 to 3 seconds. It probably feels weird, but this can make the video editing flow smoothly. One pro-tip to practice smiling is to stick a pencil in your mouth. It shapes your lips into a smile. It makes you frown your teeth which resembles a smile. 

Publish the Video Using the Say-Show-Spell Method

The say-show-spell method is originally a teaching technique. This means exaggerating the pronunciation of the word by showing an example to help the listener spell it correctly. In video marketing, it means exaggerating the keyword shown on the video for the viewers to remember them for a long time. After recording a marketing video, there’s a lot more editing to do. With the say-show-spell method, marketers can say something using a message pop-up. Get to the point in offering your products and services as a solution to the customer’s pain point. Remove any scene that is irrelevant to that message. It will only confuse your viewers and drive them away. Also, consider the background music. You can make it loud for every pop-up message to catch the viewer’s attention. Or you can soften them during the part when the host is speaking for the viewers to hear the message clearly. 

The Bottom Line

For a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, creating successful marketing videos means giving a positive vibe to your audiences by offering a solution to their problems. This, you can do, by outlining your video using the seed and lead method. Then, record using the smile and hold technique. This makes the video editing easier to flow. Last, fine-tune your video using the say-show-spell tactic. Cut the fluff and focus more on the value that your brand wants to deliver.
