
The way people shop today has greatly changed. The lockdowns and social distancing implemented in 2020 have boosted the rise of social eCommerce. This year, there are around 2.14 million digital buyers globally. That is why a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong has noted the importance of digital shops. Yet, it is challenging for brands to create digital shops. They need to consider many factors to keep them earning and running. It is also more challenging to market digital shops. So, here’s a guide on how to do it and thrive!

What Are Digital Shops?

Digital Shops are online storefronts that brands set up on an eCommerce site, social media platforms, and their website. They showcase a collection of products and services like a brick-and-mortar store. However, they only exist online and not in a physical location. Digital Shops are the perfect solution to streamline an online shopping experience. By integrating store inventories with direct payments, brands can boost their revenues online. 

There are different technologies that digital shops can use to keep them running online. The most common are AR/VR try-on, interactive fitting rooms, product tags, QR codes, and shopping stickers. There are also several ways to set up digital shops. First, brands can partner with eCommerce websites like Amazon, BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, and Wix eCommerce. Second, a social media agency Hong Kong can set up digital shops on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Pinterest, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. These social media online shops can be created through the business pages of social media accounts. Third, brands can create digital shops on their business websites. This is by enabling a product and services page, integrated with a checkout cart and direct payment system. 

A big step in digital shopping today is the integration of online shops into video ads. A video marketing agency Hong Kong now uses product tags to invite video viewers in buying relevant products and services. Brands can tell a story via short-form video clips and showcase a product with a 360-degree spin. They can also publish product explainer videos to relate their products and services to their customers. 

How to Market Digital Shops

Below are some marketing techniques for brands to drive sales on their digital shops. 

Create Educational Blog Posts

A very effective digital marketing technique today is to educate the customers to influence their buying decisions. Most brands focus on content marketing to give their audiences helpful information about their products and services. Using educational blog posts, brands create a problem that their target audience commonly encounters. Within the article, they will offer the best solution to the reader, which turns out to be the brand’s products and services. Educational blog posts can also optimize the SEO strategy of a brand. These powerful posts can boost SEO ranking by providing accurate and authentic content to answer the searcher’s keyword queries.

Expand Your Email List

There are 4.03 billion people who use email today. So, it is the easiest way to start connecting with people who want to check relevant products and services. Brands can use emails as a cold outreach technique to inform people about a product launch or new service. They can also use email to send reminders about an abandoned online shopping cart or a wish list. The best way to expand an email list using digital shops is to enable CTAs or pop-ups like “Learn More” and “Subscribe Now.” Messenger ads can also capture the contact details of an account user automatically. Brands can also contact page questionnaires when users want to join their social media pages. 

Gather Customer Reviews and Turn Them into User-Generated Content (UGC)

Word of mouth is a powerful marketing strategy. To market digital shops, brands can request customers to review their products and services. They can strategically post these feedbacks, ratings, reviews, and testimonials as UGCs. Like word of mouth, modern consumers prefer these authentic pieces of content and influence them to buy a product or service. Video testimonials of happy customers posted on social media pages even garnered the most numbers of likes, comments, and shares. 

Post a Variety of Creative Content

The best way to market digital shops is to post a variety of creative content on social media platforms. Modern consumers easily get attracted to visual content. Use images and videos to catch their attention toward your digital shops. How-to videos, product explainers, and unboxing videos can educate the customer and relate products and services to their needs and interests. Hosting contests, giveaways, and promotional sales are unique experiences brands can offer to increase awareness and discovery. 

Upsell and Downsell

Brands should market digital shops every time there is an opportunity. This is even if the customer is about to checkout. Do this by posting different items on your digital shops. Group relevant items so that once you have a digital shopper, they can see related products and services that interest them. Brands can offer an upgrade to a regular product offering for more sales. They can even offer a downgraded version of the shoppers’ interest with a simpler item. 

Work with Influencers in Your Niche

Collaborating with bloggers, KOLs, thought leaders, and vloggers is a great way to market your digital shops. Such a strategy aims to gain a large reach among the huge followings of these influencers. Brands can also partner with affiliate programs that promote stores using influencer marketing. Through their online expertise and reputation, their followers are more likely to be influenced by buying products and services they recommend.  
